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Tackle the cold season with Essential Oils!


The Fall and flu season are already upon us, and there is nothing worse for our beloved special needs children than trying to go through the day with a congested head!

ABR has very effective techniques to clear sinuses and reinforce respiration. 

However, if you haven’t yet learned our trans-fascial visco-elastic stimulation techniques  ​​​​​​​(which would put an end to these recurrent problems) you can fall back on essential oils to bring rapid relief to their discomfort.
Steam Inhalations

You may be using a Vicks Inhaler:
To the water, add:
1 drop of Eucalyptus Globulous essential oil
1 drop of Myrrh essential oil
1 drop of Peppermint essential oil
1 drop of Ravensara essential oil
Even if you are missing one of the ingredients (ravensara may be more difficult to find), just use the remaining ones. Steam for 15 minutes.
Lavender Oil Baths

If your child has a cold and feels miserable, a warm bath soaking in these relaxing, antibacterial essential oils will do him/her a world of good!!!


·         1 cup Epsom salt

·         1 cup quick oats

·         1/2 cup baking soda

·         5 drops Frankincense Essential Oil

·         10 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil

·         15 drops Lavender Essential Oil


1.    Grind oats in a food processor, or coffee grinder, into a fine flour-like texture.

2.    Mix all ingredients in a bowl until oils are evenly distributed.

3.    Store in a glass jar and use about 1 cup of mixture per bath.

Tip: Create a pouch for your mixture using a sock or pantyhose to reduce floating oatmeal flakes in your bath.


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 Clean your house naturally… an ABSOLUTE MUST when you have a child with CP!​​​​​​​

When a child has Cerebral Palsy, there are numerous areas of his/her overall health that need to be monitored.  One of the most important is their respiratory health, as poor respiration has serious consequences not only on their health but also on their development.
Did you know that the cleaner your home is, the more respiration problems you may trigger in your child with CP, because of toxic cleaning products (soaps, polishes, grooming supplies, etc).
Even products advertised as “green” or “natural” may contain ingredients that can cause health problems.
Some products release dangerous chemicals, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs).  Other harmful ingredients include ammonia and bleach  VOCs and other chemicals released when using cleaning supplies can irritate the eyes and throat and contribute to chronic respiratory problems, allergic reactions, headaches and other health problems.
Products containing VOCs and other toxic substances can include:
  • Aerosol spray products, including health, beauty and cleaning products;
  • Air fresheners;
  • Chlorine bleach;
  • Detergent and dish-washing liquid;
  • Dry cleaning chemicals;
  • Rug and upholstery cleaners;
  • Furniture and floor polish; and
  • Oven cleaners.
Even natural fragrances such as citrus can react to produce dangerous pollutants indoors.
So, it is of primary importance to limit your child’s exposure to those risks… and you can do it in a very easy, inexpensive and even fun way…
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Boosting Breakfast!

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ABR’s Nutritional Guide

In the  previous articles, we talked about what a nutritious meal should consist of, food that are beneficial to you CP child and food that should be avoided altogether, good food combinations, beneficial fats, and finally herbs that fight against inflammation of their tissues.
Today, we will concentrate on tips  to keep your child well hydrated.  
To thrive and flourish, it is essential for child to drink enough water.  
We are often witnesses of significant dehydration in children that are severely affected.
Parents tell us ‘they just do not want to drink!’
But can we really expect rain in the desert?
If one does not drink, the tissues no longer hydrate.
And when the tissues no longer hydrate, they contract and stick to each other.
Thus begins a vicious circle. The child is not thirsty and does not demand water because his/her body has become accustomed to survive with very little water.
You need to understand the seriousness and importance of this situation and seek to increase your child’s water consumption at all cost.
  • If necessary, use a syringe to give your child water.
  • Consider giving a flavor to the water: ​​​​​​​Some apple juice or coconut water. Your child will be more receptive if the water tastes good.  Furthermore, the stomach reacts with flavors and creates a movement downwards, which facilitates swallowing.
  • You can also add a natural thickener to water – But avoid thickeners that are corn based, which have a strong probability of being a GMO product (genetically modified organisms).
However, we recommend not to give a lot of water during meals, unless they are consuming a soup.
It is particularly important to know that when a child consumes carbohydrates (ex. cereals), liquid dilutes the enzymes necessary for digestion.
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Herbs that help fighting tissue inflammation!


All children with special needs suffer from significant tissue inflammation.
This could help to understand tissue degeneration.
Some herbs are highly anti-inflammatory and should be added to their daily food. 
Herbs and cooking spices contain a wide variety of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, and help maximize the nutrient density of his/her meals. Every time you flavor his/her meals with herbs or spices you are literally “upgrading” their food.
In fact, on a per gram fresh weight basis, herbs rank even higher in antioxidant activity than fruits and vegetables,  which are known to be high in antioxidants. Many studies have also shown that most spices tend to have unique medicinal qualities.
Beneficial results are noted when cells in the body are exposed to the levels of spices that circulate in the bloodstream after normal daily consumption. Just the amount that makes your spaghetti sauce, pumpkin pie, or curry sauce taste good.” (Dr. Mercola)
We recommend
  • ​​​​​​​Turmeric – cooked with grains or vegetables
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
You can also use:
  • Cinnamon
  • Jamaican pepper
  • Oregano
  • Marjoram
  • Sage
  • Thyme
The key to reducing chronic inflammation in your child’s body starts with their diet, and being liberal in your use of high-quality herbs and spices is one simple way to boost the quality of their food. They’re an inexpensive “secret weapon” that just about everyone can take advantage of.
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Coconut oil
is a very nutritious oil that possesses as many beneficial nutritional qualities.
All children should consume it. 
It helps to improve the digestive system and thus prevents various stomach and digestion-related problems including irritable bowel syndrome.
The saturated fats present in coconut oil have antimicrobial properties and help in dealing with various bacteria, fungi, and parasites that can cause indigestion.
It also helps in the absorption of other nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
The fatty acids in coconut oil are turned into ketones, which readily cross the blood-brain barrier to provide instant energy to the brain.
Ketones are also known to reduce seizures
Make sure that all oils are non- hydrogenated and of good quality.
Delicious way to turn coconut oil into a candy!
Being attentive to your child’s diet doesn’t mean depriving your child of the small pleasures in life.
Here is a candy recipe with high nutritional value … your child will love it!
Raw candy
  • 250 grams of nuts
  • 250 grams of dates
  • 250 grams of coconut flakes
Grind to a fine powder and add:
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons coconut cream
  • 2 Tablespoons raw cream / cocoa butter
Mix. If your child eats mashed food, give it in small amounts using a spoon. If he/she can ingest solid foods, shape the candy into balls and refrigerate for several hours.
You should also give your child flaxseed oil every day, as fresh as possible.
Purchase it in small bottles and keep it in the refrigerator.  Also use it raw on food.
​​​​​​​As they are high in dietary fibre, ground flaxseeds can help ease the passage of stools and thus relieve constipation, a common problem in children with Cerebral Palsy.
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Since you child has poor digestion, this should limit the types of food he/she eats
in a single meal.
Different types of food require different types of digestive enzymes.
Don’t mix proteins and carbohydrates!
If you give your child proteins and carbohydrates in the same meal, it will be difficult for him/her to digest.
Thus, we suggest opting for vegetables as the base of each meal.  The vegetables should be lightly steamed (always keep their crunchy texture and a bright green color).
To these steamed vegetables, you may add grains such as rice, quinoa, millet or buckwheat, or (NOT “AND”) a little meat or fish.
You can also give nut butters, almond or cashew, by adding them to grains or vegetables for a nutritious meal.   You can also add cold pressed flax oil.
The principles of food combinations are to avoid mixing proteins with carbohydrates (ie. grains).
So in the same meal, you serve either vegetables with meat, fish or legumes – or vegetables with grains, but you should avoid serving meat, fish and legumes  with grains at all cost.​​​​​​​
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In a previous article we talked about the importance of controlling the size of the pieces of food given to your child and the right foods to choose,
Today let’s look at which foods are detrimental to your child’s development.
Children with special needs often have significant respiratory problems and have a greater tendency to produce mucus that clogs the lungs and impairs their quality of daily life.
The first foods to eliminate are…
1. Dairy products
Not only do they promote the production of mucus, but they have the ability to trap the toxins that are already present in our body: so if your child has a chronic illness like the flu or bronchitis, we strongly urge you remove milk from their diet if you want to aid in their recovery.
Even more than casein, milk protein irritates the immune system.
If you really want to give your child dairy products, choose fresh, organic products. Organic yogurt, if it is not processed, is generally easier to digest than milk alone.
Remember also that goat’s milk or sheep products, if they are fresh from the farm, are easier to digest than cow’s milk.
What can you use to replace milk and milk products with?
It is possible to prepare beverages from coconut water.  If you wish to enrich these beverages with the fat or protein, you may be mix them with almond or cashew cream.
2. Products containing gluten
More and more parents of children with special needs opt for a gluten free diet. Gluten is difficult to digest.
For children with special needs, gluten can be a real poison, harming their development and progress.
Gluten free cereals include:
  • Rice
  • Millet
  • Buckwheat
  • Amaranth
  • Quinoa
Cereals low in gluten and that some children tolerate well:
  • Rye – questionable tolerance
  • Oats
In short, we recommend that you eliminate all grains that contain gluten and all dairy products.
Children who have a deficient metabolism, progress much faster when relieved of their a diet containing gluten and casein (the main protein present in milk and cheese).
For children with epilepsy,
we recommend a diet free from gluten, milk, dairy products and sugar.
This is an essential condition that will help control seizures through nutrition.
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7 essential improvements at your fingertips through fascia strengthening techniques

Part 7

Experience true happiness and joy with your child with Cerebral Palsy!

All ABR children do significantly improve  motor functions… but ABR goal is to make them emerge at the same time as healthier, stronger, happier kids…which reflects  on  the entire family’s happiness.

Let me ask you a question:

What would bring happiness and joy to your child… and yourself?

Most parents spontaneously answer:   ‘If he/she could only walk!’, ‘If he/she could only talk!’

But, are you sure that this is what would really make your child happier?

As human beings, we have the tendency of seeing things through our own lens, through our reality…  which is not necessarily our child’s reality. 

Walking and talking is an essential part of our happiness and many parents are ready to do anything (and very often even overdo it…) in order to bring their child to THEIR reality… instead of respecting HIS/HERS! 

Too often, this immense desire to bring their child to what they consider ‘paradise’, turns out to be ‘hell’ for the child, as over-stimulation and constant insatisfaction with results, soon takes over all reason.

It is for this reason that it is so imperative to reconsider the whole rehabilitation approach and focus on the human aspect… more precisely towards the human ‘being’.

This implies that you stop looking at ‘how many meters’, ‘how many seconds’ your child is managing,  but rather look at the fundamentals:   What is your child’s repertoire? What is your child’s ability to express themselves? Develop their own personality? Explore the world?

You need to bring the whole situation closer to the human perspective rather than focusing ONLY on ‘what is wrong with the machine’,  constantly and avidly measuring how many meters, seconds, more…

Happiness and thriving intersect and connect with one another.

And this happens at 3 levels:


Level 1

Human contact, translating into unconditional love … independently of what he/she can or cannot do.

Level 2

Real thriving…  if your child is heavily struggling, facing metabolic challenges on a daily basis,  then it is very difficult for him/her and the family to genuinely experience happiness.   That’s where the concept of Vitality and vigor vs vulnerability and fragility discussed in Part 1 of this series comes into place and should be a priority over any desire for motor development.

This is THE central element.​​​​​​​

Level 3

Systematically and cleverly building the blocks which must precede performance: robustness, segmentation, weight-bearing response, autopilot positioning, etc…

And this implies a dramatic change of expectations!  It is not about ‘doing’ it at all cost… it is about developing the very fabric of ‘being’…which is also the very fabric of happiness.

Too many parents look at their child as the ‘broken machine that has to be repaired’.  ABR looks at them as unique individuals with their own character, sensitivity, awareness, thoughts,  love of life, dignity and works at making them ‘thrive and flourish’ as human beings through structural metamorphosis.

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7 essential improvements at your fingertips through fascia strengthening techniques

Part 6

Presence and Alertness

vs disconnection and grumpiness

We have the tendency to think that our child’s presence and alertness is innately linked to the signals coming from the brain.

If brain’s signals definitely play a role, shouldn’t we perhaps attribute all the responsibility of the child’s poor interaction with his surroundings?

If we simply look at the mechanical and metabolic elements listed above, we get a hint of a totally different interpretation of the child with CP and their poor presence and alertness.


You just need to picture your child’s daily reality:

  • Weakness in their upper body

​​​​​​​causes permanent or at least recurrent collapse of his/her head and trunk, depriving your child from important eye contact with his/her surroundings.

Guillaume Dulude, doctor in neuro-psychology explains that … ‘communication starts as soon as people enter into each other’s field of vision…’  For the child with CP, communication is then based more on hearing rather that sight, which completely changes his/her relation to the world.

  • Vulnerability and fragility

bring daily challenges.  Poor health, poor sleep, poor digestion all lead to constant fatigue and overexertion are factors that obviously do not favor social exchange with parents, siblings and friends.

  • Mono-bloc reactions

make your child’s life extremely challenging throughout the day. The smallest change to his/her position converts to being off balance and therefore they may potentially fall.

The child with CP profoundly mistrusts his/her body. He/she is in a constant situation of fear and stress leaving a very narrow window for interaction with you.

  • Excessive voluntary effort

forcing him/her to appeal to his/her skeletal muscles, connective tissues being too weak to help him/her fight against gravity.   Any request for performance translates into immense effort, overdrive and fatigue… contributing very little to positive interaction.

The child with CP, just through their structural and metabolic challenges, has VERY little room for presence with their surroundings and very little chance to satisfy their parents in terms of alertness.

On the other hand, a child with a robust neck and torso, full of vitality and vigor, benefiting from an extended repertoire of movement, thanks to an adequate segmentation, experiencing spontaneous and easy weight-bearing response, will unfailingly be more present, more aware and will interact better with their surroundings.

Presence and alertness necessitates first and foremost feeling well in one’s body!  Upper body robustness, vitality and vigor, balance and weight-bearing spontaneous response are improvements at  your reach through the ABR trans-fascial techniques … just imagine how these structural improvements could  change your child’s relationship with you!!!!



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