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ABR International Blog

The secret for your child to be more successful in the upcoming school year.


Parents with special needs children all have the same obsession: stimulation!

It is commonly believed that the more you stimulate your child physically and mentally, the better your chances are to see him/her improve both functionally and cognitively. However, have you thought about how much energy this constant stimulation (and often over-stimulation) requires from your child? There are 5 sources we all draw our energy from: food, good metabolic functions, hydration, proper respiration and sleep. If we look at it more closely, one will quickly realize that CP children do not eat as much as their healthy peers, don’t digest as easily, drink less (usually a lot less!), often have respiratory problems and suffer from poor sleep. For all these reasons, it has been proven that a CP child spends 3 times more much energy than their peers to perform ANY activity, be it intellectual, motor or merely vital! In other words, a one hour drive in the adapted transportation to go to school (half an hour back and forth), represents the same fatigue as a 3 hour drive for him/her!!! And stimulation is not even counted yet… watching a video during half an hour represents the same fatigue as one and a half hours; being in a noisy environment stresses him/her out 3 times as much as any other child. Result: there is no remaining surplus (always available in healthy children) to grow, thrive and flourish as a human being.

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ABR ‘beats’ the GMFCS curve!

Have you ever heard of the GMFCS (Gross Motor Classification System)? Most parents have not…although it is THE international standard tool used in both North America and Western Europe to assess clinical intervention in Cerebral Palsy.

The GMFCS is a 5-level classification system. Level 1 corresponding to mildly affected children, generally walking without restrictions, but tending to be limited in some of the more advanced motor skills. Level 5 corresponding to the most severely affected children that are very limited in their ability to move themselves around, even with the use of assistive technology.


GMFCS clearly demonstrates the limitations of functional training with brain injured individuals.

According to these curves, all levels of severity demonstrate the same phenomenon that is characterized by a discontinuance of functional improvement by the age of 9, with the most severely affected individuals (level 3, 4, 5) showing diminishing curve benefits and progress as early as age 4 or 5.

All levels of severity taken together show the same phenomenon after the age of 9 and some demonstrate this occurrence even earlier. In the most severe cases, levels 3-4 and 5, there are diminishing curve benefits and progress after the age of 4-5 years old.

The GMFCS study speaks for itself. Professionals, in spite of all their efforts to improve the fate of children with Cerebral Palsy, often refer to this phenomenon as a curse: ‘We can’t beat the curve!’ It’s an expression frequently used in conferences by healthcare professionals.

In other words, poor structural qualities lead nowhere in terms of function, regardless of the intervention used to target their maximization.

But, here is the good news!

ABR completed a 3-year prospective cohort study developed to assess the influence of ABR therapy on the quality of life, wellbeing, and function of a child with cerebral palsy.  This study included over 100 participants, mostly GMFCS types 4 and 5 (most severe cases), from both the US and South America and demonstrates, with statistical significance, the beneficial results provided by the therapy.

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ABR now in Toronto and in Lima, Peru!

Opened at the end of 2014, ABR Canada now has a working satellite in Mississauga, Ontario.

More good news: our new ‘Thrive and Flourish’ program waas offered for the first time in October 2015 in Lima, Peru!

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New ABR tools speed up results!

ABR introduced new tools and techniques in its Spring sessions to further enhance your child’s improvements!  Our scientifically proven innovative techniques are continuously evolving.

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ABR partners up with a nutritionist

Last November, at the Acquired Brain Injury Provincial Conference, organized by the Ontario Brain Injury Association, we had the opportunity to meet Joanne Smith, certified nutritional practitioner and co-author of the book Eat Well, Live Well with Spinal Cord Injury & Other Neurological Conditions.  She runs a successful nutrition business, specializing in providing optimal nutritional health for people with disabilities, with special interest in spinal cord injury.  Joanne has presented at conferences across Canada.

Her expertise in the disability community comes from her personal experience of living with a spinal cord injury for twenty-five years, as well as her years as host and producer of two national television programs focusing on in-depth stories about Canadians with disabilities, the Gemini award-winning CBC show Moving On and Accessibility in Action. 

Joanne’s dedication to raising awareness and improving the lives of Canadians with  disabilities led to her receiving the King Clancy Award in 2006, being inducted into the Terry Fox Hall of Fame in 2007 and being honored with the Gabriel Award in 2008.

ABR’s approach piqued her curiosity and she decided to attend our last Thrive and Flourish session in Toronto.  She was absolutely thrilled by the experience:  ‘Just wanted to let you know that I attended the introductory session yesterday with Marianna and the new parents. It was absolutely fascinating and Marianna is such a wonderful speaker/therapist! …’

 We concluded that her nutritional knowledge in the domain would be a fantastic complement to ABR’s trans-fascial approach.

Joanne will be writing a monthly nutritional blog for ABR Americas.  Here is what she has to say…

Any parent living with a child with Cerebral Palsy, or any other neurological condition, knows that nutrition has not traditionally played a significant role in their child’s rehabilitation or long term health care.  Trying to find accessible facilities or even information that caters to the unique nutritional needs of children with disabilities (the people who in many cases need this form of complimentary and preventative health care the most) is extremely difficult.  

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‘Doing’… at all cost?

As soon as parents learn about the diagnosis of their child, they start worrying about their future. Questions like “Will my child ever walk?” or “Will my child ever talk?” are naturally the first ones to come to mind. However, once they realize the severity of their child, hopes become more modest: “Will my child ever be able to feed himself?” “Hold his head up?” “Sit… communicate?“ Even though expectations diminish, the questions are still functionally oriented… and this is normal. From day one, all scales used to assess the development of the child are related to functional abilities: gross motor scales, intellectual, speech, etc.

However legitimate those concerns are, they should never deter us from even more important questions as “WILL MY CHILD EVER BE HAPPY IN LIFE?” “Will we, as a family, be able to have a flourishing relationship with him/her?” “What does it take to reach that point?” “What are the priorities? Walk… or overcome respiratory problems, regular colds and pneumonias? Talk… or get rid of painful reflux? Crawl… or digest properly and have regular bowel movements? Roll… or benefit from restorative sleep during the night and be full of energy during the day?

You start seeing what I’m getting to? Doesn’t asking the question provide the answer at the same time? To begin with, vital functions in children with cerebral palsy are frequently compromised: they have to cope with poor breathing and digesting mechanisms: simple colds become severe respiratory episodes; oftentimes they have trouble while being fed and afterwards with irregular bowel movements; sleep cycles are interrupted as these children are too tactile sensitive. The list is long… As the sensory input is usually very confusing, learning from experience like their healthy peers becomes a real challenge. In other words, their very FABRIC OF BEING is severely compromised.

Do a simple test: visualize yourself in your child’s shoes. Each day of your life, your lungs are constantly congested with mucus; you suffer from severe reflux and haven’t been to the bathroom for the last 3 days; you can’t remember when you had a good, full night of sleep, and you feel miserable…still, your parents have been told that regular training and stimulation is the secret of your success in ‘doing’ more things and you are constantly encouraged to give 100% of yourself: “Hold the head!” “Sit straight!” “Put your leg in front of the other!” “Hold on to the walker!” “Listen to the music!” “Smile!” “Watch the video!” “Crawl!” “Lift, lift, lift!” “Com’ on, you can do it!!!”

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Boosting breakfast!

So let’s begin with the most important meal of the day- yes we mothers are right -breakfast!

It is estimated that people with mobility impairments must exert 7x’s the energy to accomplish the same physical tasks as an able-bodied person, so it’s vital to properly fuel your child’s body every morning.

Now before pouring out a big bowl of processed cereal for breakfast to help give them their morning boost of energy – wait!!

This type of morning meal is loaded with sugar and refined carbohydrates that can contribute to weight gain, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and low immunity. While this breakfast option may provide a quick boost of energy, it will just as quickly lead to an energy crash and leave your child feeling tired and sluggish.

What is more beneficial is a quick & easy food source that also sustains energy – smoothies are the perfect answer!

These delicious shakes only take 5 minutes to make, and you and your family will never get bored of eating them because you can add or mix any of your favorite fruits into them.

Smoothies are not only high in complex carbohydrates to keep your child going all morning, but they’re also packed with muscle-building protein and immune boosting nutrients. On top of all these tasty health benefits, smoothies are also high in fiber which can help move things along and avoid constipation issues.

Beyond just being a healthy breakfast option, smoothies also make a great meal replacement option.  Smoothies are easy to drink, making them an excellent choice for individuals who difficulty chewing or swallowing.  Smoothies contain protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, making them a well-balanced, nutrient dense meal.  All you need are the following ingredients and a counter top or hand blender.



Chocolate Avocado Smoothie

Smoothie avocado.jpg


  • 1 small            avocado
  • 1 ripe               banana
  • 1/2 cup           unsweetened chocolate almond milk
  • 1/4 cup           hemp hearts
  • 3 tbsp              cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp               honey

Directions:   Combine all ingredients in blender and buzz until smooth in consistency (add more milk if desired). Enjoy!


Pineapple Spinach Smoothie

Smoothie pineapple.jpg


  • 1 cup               chopped pineapple
  • 1 ripe              banana
  • 1 cup               baby spinach leaves
  • 1/2 cup           plain Greek Yogurt
  • 3/4 cup          unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tsp                chia seeds

Directions:  Combine all ingredients in blender and buzz until smooth in consistency. Enjoy!


Strawberry Coconut Smoothie

glass of strawberry smoothie isolated on white


  • 1 cup               fresh or frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup               coconut milk (canned)
  • 1/2                   banana
  • 1 handful         spinach
  • 1 scoop            protein powder
  • 1 tsp                 chia seeds

Directions:  Combine all ingredients in blender and buzz until smooth in consistency. Enjoy!


Grounded Earth Protein Smoothie

Grounded Earth Protein Smoothie


  • ½                    banana
  • 1 ½ cup          unsweetened vanilla almond milk (can substitute rice milk)
  • 2 tsp                almond butter
  • ½ cup             dates (pitted)
  • ½ tsp              spirulina powder (can substitute greens or sea vegetable powder)
  • 1 tsp                oat bran

Directions:   Combine all ingredients in blender and buzz until smooth in consistency. Enjoy!

*Spirulina is a nutrient dense algae that can be found in your local health food store and it doesn’t taste bad – I promise! Recipe generously provided by Lisa Kapp.


Joanne Smith


Joanne Smith is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner.  She is the co-author of Eat Well, Live Well with Spinal Cord Injury & Other Neurological Conditions.

If you would like to have a private appointment with her to talk about your child’s nutrition problems, you may contact her at:  joanne@neurocorephysiotherapy.com

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ABR launches its new ‘Thrive and Flourish’ program!

ABR is now more accessible than ever!

Wherever you live in North or South America, a group of 6 to 10 families is all it takes for ABR to ‘locally’ offer its new One-Year ‘Thrive and Flourish’ Program.

The Thrive and Flourish program consists of 3 sessions within a 1-year period, during which our experienced ABR trainers will teach you the main ABR techniques. You will be provided with all tools and equipment necessary to confidently perform a home-based therapy program on your own.


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Clean your house naturally… an ABSOLUTE MUST when you have a child with CP!​​​​​​​

One of the most important problems your child with cerebral palsy (CP) is challenged with is ‘respiratory difficulties’.  Poor respiration has serious consequences on your child’s overall health and well-being.

The cleaner your home is, the more respiration problems you may trigger in your child with CP, because of toxic cleaning products made from petroleum-based chemicals.

The Dr. Mercola site, which is the second most visited Natural Medecine site in the world, proposes these easy suggestions to use safe household cleaning products:

‘You can reduce your chemical exposure by eliminating chemicals in your home, and using only natural cleaning products that are plant based. They are more expensive, but usually more concentrated, and worth it because they are safe.

Another alternative is to make your own natural cleaning products. Using homemade natural cleaning products maks “cents,” because it is cheaper, healthier and non-toxic, and it is fun.

All you need is: 

  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Borax
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Liquid castile soap
  • Organic essential oils (optional)
  • Mixing bowls
  • Spray bottles
  • Micro fiber cloths

Baking soda is great to scrub your bath and kitchen. 

  • Put it in a glass grated cheese container with a stainless steel top that has holes in it, and just sprinkle the baking soda on the surfaces and scrub. You may add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to this. Lavender and tea tree oil have anti-bacterial qualities.
  •  Can also be used as a fabric softener in your laundry.

Baking soda and apple cider 

  • Clean the tub and the drain 

Vinegar can clean almost anything in your house

  • You can add liquid castile soap, essential oil (optional), and filtered water, then clean floors, windows, bath, kitchen, etc.
  • In the laundry, use vinegar in the wash cycle to prevent fabrics from fading.
  • Vinegar can also be used as a fabric softener.

Never use dryer sheets — they are toxic too.

  •  Use vinager to clean windows.

Commercial window cleaners contain butyl cellosolve — a toxic ingredient that is not listed on the labels, so vinegar and water is much safer. Use a micro fabric cloth, not newspaper, which contains toxic dyes.


  • is a good laundry booster and cleaner (it can even remove mold) — and is safe and non-toxic. You may make your own cloth detergent by mixing 1 cup of natural soap flakes, ½ cup of borax and ½ cup of pure washing soda.

Hydrogen peroxide

  • is a disinfectant, and is safer to use than chlorine bleach for disinfecting and whitening. Lemon juice is also a natural whitener.

Liquid Castile Soaps

  • can be found in health food stores and are safer than commercial liquid cleaning products.

Organic essential oils may be used in homemade cleaning products depending on your personal preference and tolerance to these scents. Never use synthetic fragrances or air cleaners.

Making your own natural cleaning products is rewarding and fun, and you can use the natural scents that you prefer while ensuring that your home is safe from dangerous chemicals that are harmful to your CP child, and your entire family’s, health.’

Do not overlook the importance of keeping your house free of chemicals as much as possible.  Just switching to these simple safe cleaning tips may bring significant improvement to your CP child’s health and happiness, in only a few short days.

Source: http://www.mercola.com/

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Inclusive Technology wins Queen’s Award for Enterprise

Inclusive Technology is among a select list of 249 companies announced as award winners by Her Majesty The Queen on the occasion of her 90th birthday on 21 April 2016.

The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are made annually and are only given for the highest levels of excellence demonstrated in one of three categories: Innovation, International Trade, and Sustainable Development.

Inclusive Award’s award is in the International Trade category and reflects the growing importance of its online which have significantly boosted its overseas sales. These include HelpKidzLearn, a series of accessible games, activities and tools designed specifically for young children and those with learning difficulties, and ChooseIt! Maker 3, which allows teachers to create individual learning activities personalized to each child.

The company also sells a wide range of accessible software and hardware.

Inclusive develops accessible software aimed at children who perhaps can only make a single voluntary movement, and we provide the alternative keyboards, joysticks, rollerballs, switches and touch screens these learners may need.  We are also expert in eye gaze technology, which is increasingly important in our field.

In 2014/15 Inclusive had customers in 59 overseas countries. While Europe is still responsible for over half of its overseas sales this falls to under a quarter when it comes to its online services. Here it is the US and other English-speaking countries – Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa – that dominate. In Europe the company has 21 dealers in 14 countries who it is working with to get the HelpKidzLearn website into local languages. So far these include Catalan, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.

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