Inclusive Technology is among a select list of 249 companies announced as award winners by Her Majesty The Queen on the occasion of her 90th birthday on 21 April 2016.
The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are made annually and are only given for the highest levels of excellence demonstrated in one of three categories: Innovation, International Trade, and Sustainable Development.
Inclusive Award’s award is in the International Trade category and reflects the growing importance of its online which have significantly boosted its overseas sales. These include HelpKidzLearn, a series of accessible games, activities and tools designed specifically for young children and those with learning difficulties, and ChooseIt! Maker 3, which allows teachers to create individual learning activities personalized to each child.
The company also sells a wide range of accessible software and hardware.
Inclusive develops accessible software aimed at children who perhaps can only make a single voluntary movement, and we provide the alternative keyboards, joysticks, rollerballs, switches and touch screens these learners may need. We are also expert in eye gaze technology, which is increasingly important in our field.
In 2014/15 Inclusive had customers in 59 overseas countries. While Europe is still responsible for over half of its overseas sales this falls to under a quarter when it comes to its online services. Here it is the US and other English-speaking countries – Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa – that dominate. In Europe the company has 21 dealers in 14 countries who it is working with to get the HelpKidzLearn website into local languages. So far these include Catalan, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish.